The default slider settings are not able to be changed within the module and are set to slide up which is really annoying. You can edit or remove these by adding css to each slide. This means that you can use different effects on each slide if you choose to. On the...
There are two options for the position of the image/icon in the Divi blurb module by default, on the left and on the top. Now and then though, there is a good cause to have these icons show up on the right of the blurb module content. Here we’ll show you how to...
Adding menu effects can create a really nice point of difference on your website. Effects can be added to the active state or to the hover state. They can even be added to selected tabs instead of all of the tabs on your Divi menu. The addition of effects on tabs is...
Sticky content update Since this post was originally written Divi have updated the theme to include sticky content options. Divi Sticky Options is a new feature that enables you to stick any element to the top and/or bottom of the browser. When scrolling up and down...
There is a couple of ways to equalise columns. It depends on the functionality you need as to which method you use. This will equalise columns With the Equalise switch active in the Design settings the column rows need to be coloured NOT the module. Flick the switch...
Adding buttons in a row is offten needed in CTAs. It’s easy to do with the following CSS. Add the buttons you require in the row, they will appear stacked on top of each other. Then go to the rows Advanced tab and add the following to the CSS Class area. This...