Boost your SEO by adding internal site links If your site is going to rank, it needs links. Google finds your posts and pages best when they’re linked to and from somewhere else on the web, such as directory listings, and from internal links. Also, because Google...
Let’s talk about the difference between HTTP and HTTPS? These days, most sites serve their content via https, which provides a safe, encrypted experience for visitors. Over 90% of websites visited are sites that utilise HTTPS. Most search results are HTTPS...
Your blog or news articles are a key part of a great digital marketing strategy. Compelling blog posts follow search engine optimisation (SEO) guidelines. These include titles and sub-headings with your key phrase, a good keyword/phrase ratio, and using targeted...
Finding work and business opportunities online Guest post bySarah The pandemic has no doubt taken a toll on the world economy. Many people have suffered financial losses. But the fog is lifting, and it’s time to take a trip on the information...
You do need a website for your business. That is a given. But who you’re going to get a build it is not. You could get a group of paid staff to build your website, or you could get a team of motivated freelance web specialists who are invested in the success of your...
Website content to get you seen and heard by the right people Great web copy can attract the right people and raise your site’s search engine ranking. Design is important, but good website content is essential if your website is going to be found by search engines and...