Online local directory listings help your customers find you Our team were recently talking about directory listings and having a laugh about how there was once this huge, unwieldy thing called a telephone book. Two of them in some cities! White Pages and Yellow...
Small business websites for Auckland tradespeople Every business in every industry needs a website, that’s a given. If you’re in the trades, we know that of all businesses you understand how important it is to have the right tool for the job. The Internet is your...
Customising the Divi Gallery to suit your design Here we’ll show you how to customise the Divi Gallery module. There are lots of options to do this, we have added some of the more common requests and have also added a link to a great YouTube video by Josh Hall...
Creating web content, step-by-step; we are with you all the way The steps are the same if you are creating web content to add to your website yourself or whether you are having us create it for you. This will help you to organise and streamline your thoughts and we’ve...
What exactly is split testing? Why would you use it? Split testing is a way to test precisely what functionality or graphic design works on a website. It’s the method of providing a visitor with two alternative experiences. We do this by including experimental...